Monday, October 31, 2016

Accurate detailed reports of the Holocaust killings were "published" in NYT 5 years before they became "popular"

Publish early and accurate details of a global horror story in the Fall of 1941 --- but then bury it in a small story on page six and that's all, is to effectively kill that story with benign neglect.

Doing just enough to avoid the danger you can later be found to have failed to publish a world-class scoop on the planned murder of millions.

If those early accurate accounts of the various means being employed towards the total destruction of all of Eastern Europe's Jews had been put on the NYT front page, followed by a major editorial and a few opinion pieces from prominent pundits, the story might have 'caught fire' and gone from being merely tokenly 'published' to a truly widely discussed 'popular' news story.

It was not ---- so most people can honestly claim they had never 'heard' of the Holocaust details until the Fall of 1945....

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